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Do you know about calibration wheels?

Dora Zhang www.boreway.com 2020-08-15 18:30:55
What is the use of diamond calibration wheels? Is it like a saw blade that can be used for sharp cutting? Or is it like a lychee surface tool that can be smoothly ground? Or fast milling? Let us find out!

1.Description and Application

Diamond calibration profiling tool for quartzengineered stone or other allomerated stone.

Diamond cylindrical rollers is designed to calibrate or remove stock on quartz stone surface to get fixed thickness and prepare for next grinding and polishing steps.

Surface calibration is the first step in quartz stone polishing and it is fundamental important in the quartz stone processing and usually the calibration are done on both the top and bottom of the slab. It helps eliminate defects formed during moulding.

Currently three designs of segmented calibrating discs are common in use, segmented cylindrical rollers, spiral cylindrical rollers and continuous rim calibrating rollers available as per different machines with same connection size and design.

2.Features and Advantage

(1) Fast aggressive stock removal and thickness calibration;

(2) High processing efficiency and long life for quartz stone calibration;

3.Grain Sizes Available
24#, 36#, 46#, 60#

There is also the advantage of silencing diamond wheel

1. Silent diamond calibrating wheel using a nylon, aluminum and other materials, to reduce noise pollution.

2. Silent diamond calibrating wheel has a thick high grinding efficiency, shape, size, accuracy and other characteristics.

3. This diamond calibrating wheel has good sharp, long life, high speed for grinding.

4. We have a common set thick round diamond and diamond-thick muffler round two products .