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What are the effects of stone processing?

Dora Zhang www.boreway.com 2020-09-21 17:15:35
What products can stone be processed into? Stone can be made of a wide range of products, as long as wood can be made, stone can also be made, and the hardness and effect are better than wooden products, more atmospheric, and longer life.

1. Influencing factors:

(1) Hardness-the greater the hardness, the more difficult it is to process and the greater the wear on the tool.

(2) Mineral composition and chemical composition-such as the high content of quartz and feldspar in granite, the more difficult it is to process.

(3) The structure and structure of the rock-such as uniform, fine, and dense stone that is easy to process.

What are the effects of processing the stone surface?

2. The surface effect of the stone:

Mainly include: smooth surface, matte surface, pickling surface, sandblast surface, fire surface, chopped axe surface, litchi surface, hammered surface, brushed antique surface, mushroom surface, natural fracture surface, special surface.

What is the function of fixed thickness?

3. Thickness setting function:
Because the thickness of the board is generally not consistent, there is a slight deviation, and in order to ensure the overall effect, such as the corners or cover of the overall wall, in order to prevent unevenness, waves, and affect the appearance, it is necessary to calibrate the thickness. After the thickness is set, there should not be any chipping or corners. Use a straightedge to measure against the board to ensure a straight line. There should be no concave, convex and inconsistent sizes at both ends.