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What are the functions of different types of saw blade segment?

Dora Zhang 2021-09-15 18:46:27
Diamond marble segments for gang saw:

1. Good cutting effect, stable cutting, smooth stone cutting surface and size.

2. Small cutting noise and small stone cutting gap maximize the utilization and thickness of stone.

3. The row cutter head is used for cutting large-size plates such as marble, limestone and other medium and soft stones; It has the characteristics of high precision and high efficiency.

Diamond saw blade head can be customized

Various specifications of diamond saw blades are available

Combined saw head

For example:

Multi-layer diamond saw blade disc segment tools:

1. It has the characteristics of good sharpness, synchronous size, high efficiency and power saving.

2. The combined saw head is suitable for multi blade combination, large and small blade combination, large and small blade combination and other combination methods.

Mine cutter head:

1. It is mainly used for the mining of waste materials in granite mines.

2. It has the characteristics of high cutting efficiency, power saving and long service life.

Single saw head:

1. Stable cutting, narrow cutting groove and saving stone.

2. The cutting plate has high flatness, stable cutting and low noise.

3. Normal diamond segment for cutting granite is mainly used for cutting granite blocks; It has the characteristics of high cutting efficiency, high accuracy and long service life.

Sandstone bit:

1. The cutting edge of M - type cutter head is simple and rapid

2. It is mainly used for mining various sandstone mines and cutting waste materials; Sharp cutting and long service life.

3. The cutting plate has high flatness, narrow cutting groove, stone saving, stable cutting and low noise.