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お問い合わせ:Fujian Nanan Boreway Machinery Co.,Ltd.、追加:Huahui Center、Shuitou Town、Quanzhou, Fujian, China、...
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What are the advantages of wet cutting?

Dora Zhang 2022-07-11 12:25:01
The diamond blade also uses wet cutting, which uses water to cool the temperature when sawing concrete.

Water is sprayed directly on the cutting surface, and wet cutting can reduce the risk of respiratory health by converting concrete dust into sludge.

professional arix diamond segment for stone,concrete,high quality, smooth cutting without chip, easy welding, save electric, reduce the stone waste

Wet cutting usually uses hand saws, which are usually used to cut flat concrete in large-scale construction.

Granite circular diamond cutting sandstone disc is adaptability, widely used in a variety of stone cutting, with sharpness, scientific segment design make the segment geometric consumed and clamp avoided.  

It requires continuous water flow to prevent the saw blade from deforming due to temperature or the cutter head from falling off.

5 inch wet use circular saw blade,designed to cutting brick/block, paves, concrete and stone., delivers a fast, smooth cut

Wet saws run at rpm, which means they can cut for a longer time. Due to the use of water, most wet cutting tools use diesel or gasoline to prevent the risk of electric shock. They may be equipped with a reservoir or a hose attachment for dispensing water during use.