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What is the waxing and polishing technology of stone polishing?

Dora Zhang www.diamondtools.top 2020-12-18 17:51:27
Whether it is clothing, electrical appliances, building materials, networks, etc., all aspects of life are constantly being updated. The newer generation is more novel, safer, better quality, more powerful, and more beautiful in design; or represents a kind of Major technological breakthroughs, better results, etc.

The current stone care polishing technology is to use HTC Floor Grinding Pad For Sale ,grinding block, polishing sheet to Polish the stone to show a perfect

Just like our stone care technology, which belongs to the unpopular industry, Two Diamond Segment Floor Polishing Pads ,
However, the pace of technological research and development never stops; since the 1980s, stone care technology has achieved unprecedented progress and development, and there have been several technological breakthroughs.

Stone polishing technology has also been divided into at least three eras.

1. Three eras of stone polishing

Why can it be divided? The reason is that the principle, material and process of stone polishing technology in different periods have undergone fundamental changes, resulting in fundamental differences. For stone maintenance, you need to use the 80mm Wet Diamond Floor Polishing Pad and a grinder, the polishing of the stone will make the original dull stone surface look new.

1. The era of stone waxing

The technique of polishing stone with waxy ingredients.

2. The era of stone crystallization

It is a technology that uses acidic materials such as oxalic acid and fluorosilicic acid to chemically react with the calcium components of the stone to produce a polishing effect.

3. Stone sealing glaze stone

A technology that uses silica (SiO2) as the main raw material to produce a polishing effect through physical filling and micro-rheological effects.

As we talk about the stone waxing era, feel the charm of stone polishing in that era.
The reasons for the division, on the one hand, help us understand what stone polishing is all about; on the other hand, knowing the past polishing technology, we can naturally understand the future technological development and where it will go.

1. Waxing technology

Waxing is a very early stone polishing technique. As early as the 1980s, waxing had become the main method of stone maintenance and polishing. The long age has also confirmed that this technology is currently behind and becoming obsolete, but it can still be used in some special circumstances.

①Technical characteristics

Stone wax is a water-soluble material with a lot of waxy ingredients. It is covered on the stone surface by painting, wiping, and automatic leveling methods. Then it is polished evenly to the stone surface through high polishing machine and other equipment to form a sealed and bright polishing layer.

The advantage of waxing technology is simple operation and wide application.

②Disadvantages of waxing

* The wax has low hardness. The gloss formed is not long-lasting, it is easy to absorb dust, and often one step at a time occurs. This requires frequent waxing to maintain the decorative effect of the stone. In terms of calculation, human, physical, and capital costs are high.

* Waxing causes the pores on the surface of the stone to be sealed, and the internal moisture cannot leak out. Over time, the stone will turn yellow and affect the decorative effect.

* Wax is soluble in water, so mopping the floor with water during cleaning can easily cause loss of gloss.

* When repeating waxing, waxing water is needed. The waxing water is a highly corrosive chemical substance, which is easy to damage the stone and cause discoloration and disease.


xing, running and polishing technology has now become a technology that has been replaced and eliminated except for use in certain specific situations.