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2017 China Private Wealth Report: 56% high net worth groups have overseas investments

chois.dong www.boreway.com 2017-06-22 09:02:57
Abstract: more than 80% of high net worth respondents said that risk diversification is still the primary reason for overseas investment. Accordingly, the allocation of offshore assets is still concentrated in cash, stocks and bonds and other mainstream products. "Report" that, from the respondents, insurance and investment in real estate, such as the relative value of the proportion of varieties in the next one to two years will rise.
In June 20th, China Merchants Bank and Bain & Company jointly issued the "2017 China Private Wealth Report" (hereinafter referred to as the "report"), the "report" shows that in the economic operation of L under the background of Chinese private wealth market will continue to adjust the growth.
In 2016 China personal assets of more than 10 million yuan of high net worth population has reached 1 million 580 thousand people, since 2014 the average annual compound growth rate of 23%; the person held by the overall scale of investment assets reached 165 trillion yuan, in the 2014--2016 years the average annual compound growth rate of 21%.
In 2016, Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces accounted for 47% of the net worth of five of the total, the investment assets accounted for about 62% of the country's wealth of high net worth people. The report pointed out that the substantial increase in net investment property was the main reason for the jump in the wealth ratio of the high net worth population in several areas.
And from the overall point of view, 2014--2016 years, the net annual growth rate of investment in real estate composite growth from 8% in 2012--2014 rose to 30%.
The "report" that, since last September the policy supervision of the national real estate market began tightening, a second key city have introduced the "purchase credit limit limit" policy to stabilize prices, the recent decline in the proportion of investment is expected in 2017, investment real estate market steady growth.
In addition to real estate, stocks, public funds, banking, insurance and other categories, the private equity represented by the alternative investment station tuyere.
At the same time, the allocation of assets abroad has gained more and more recognition. The "report" data show that overseas configuration has a high net worth population proportion of the population increased from about 19% in 2011 to about 56% in 2017; the per capita asset allocation proportion, foreign and domestic configuration configuration since 2013 reflected the "28 principles", tends to be stable.
More than 80% of high net worth respondents said that risk diversification remained the primary cause of offshore investment. Accordingly, the allocation of offshore assets is still concentrated in cash, stocks and bonds and other mainstream products. "Report" that, from the respondents, insurance and investment in real estate, such as the relative value of the proportion of varieties in the next one to two years will rise.
From a regional perspective, Hongkong, the United States as the destination of overseas assets mentioned rate declined in 2015, Australia, Canada and Singapore and other countries. Significant warming, the reference rate is 2015 with an average annual increase of 6--7%.
"As for overseas investment risk and the complexity of understanding gradually deepened, the population of high net worth more emphasis on professional ability inside and outside the asset allocation, dynamic adjustment of asset quality screening and risk management, offshore wealth management institutions. Offshore asset allocation has gradually entered the stage of rational development from the early stage of water testing and incremental stage. "Mentioned in the report.
In terms of wealth management institutions, the "report" that, after ten years of development, China's private wealth market established, Chinese banks with the brand, network and product service advantage ahead of foreign banks by RMB business and service outlets restrictions, in addition to a few continue to invest in high-end wealth management market a number of foreign firms, shrink the front.
But in the overseas wealth management market, foreign banks with its professional and brand favored, but the Chinese private bank overseas branch to undertake domestic customer relationship, often have a greater advantage in language, culture and service, but also increase the investment strategy.