> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > How can the diamond cutter segment be sharper? How to maintain?
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How can the diamond cutter segment be sharper? How to maintain?

Dora Zhang 2020-06-09 18:01:14
Most diamond tools are composed of a base body and a cutter head, whether it is a saw blade, a bowl grinding, a grinding block, a drill, etc.
This time the bowl mill talks about the blade of the saw blade, there are cutting blocks, stone slab, concrete, granite , Marble and other materials, how to become sharp when used?

The blade is sharp and durable ,There are some contradictions, if the carcass is more resistant to wear, the blade will not be sharp, the carcass formula, sintering process , Diamond strength, etc. will affect the sharpness of the diamond bit, if it is relatively copper-based, adding some fine materials into the diamond will also add sharpness.

This diamond has been developed as a raw material for many products for many years. When it can be synthesized through a certain temperature and pressure, this cutting tool has entered a period represented by superhard materials.

If the cutter head is used improperly, it will affect the service life and thus affect the working efficiency. So how should bowl mills be sold to maintain diamond cutter heads?

Diamond tool bit maintenance:

The spalling of the diamond coating can prevent the spalling of the coating. It is a serious problem of diamond-coated cutter heads, and it is also a common problem (especially when processing materials such as carbon fiber), which will cause the tool life to be difficult to predict.

In the late 1990s, the interface chemical properties were determined to be important factors affecting the adhesion properties of diamond coatings. By selecting the chemical characteristics of the cemented carbide with good compatibility, using appropriate pretreatment technology and reasonable deposition reaction conditions.

It is possible to reduce or eliminate the peeling of the diamond coating, and realize a stable wear pattern stably. Observing a diamond-coated tool with normal wear under a microscope, it can be found that the diamond is steadily worn up to the cemented carbide substrate without chipping or flaking.

The main advantages of this diamond tool: the hardness can reach 8000HV, which is 80 to 120 times that of cemented carbide. The thermal conductivity is 700W/mk, which is 1.5 to 9 times that of cemented carbide, even higher than PCBN and copper, so PCD tool heat transfer is rapid. The friction coefficient is generally only 0.1 to 0.3 (the friction coefficient of cemented carbide is 0.4 to 1), so this tool can significantly reduce the cutting force.