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Overseas economic people look forward to "take all the way" Summit to achieve positive res

Chois Dong www.boreway.com 2017-05-15 16:38:02
"Forum" international cooperation forum by the overseas economic community of great concern, they look forward to the forum to achieve positive results.
The largest private bank in Indonesia - the chief economist of Bank of East Asia David Sam Al said that "along the way" building on the countries along the country, especially ASEAN countries have an important role in promoting economic growth. Indonesia as a "sea Silk Road" on the fulcrum of the country, will benefit from "along the way" to bring the construction of trade and investment, to achieve leapfrog development.
"In recent years, with the gradual development of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, a large number of funds have been flooded and the potential of the relevant industries has been greatly released," said Omar Shahzad, president of Singapore's Progressive Group.
"The" One Way "initiative will expand the reach of global economic growth and effectively drive infrastructure in the country along the way to stimulate local economic development," said Mark Uzan, executive director of the French reconstruction of the Bretton Woods System Committee. Speaking of this forum, he said, "the forum will be a good start, once again to show the world the concept of globalization, mutual benefit and win-win concept, and China will play in this process more and more Important role". He pointed out that China's great achievements in the economic field in recent years will be more countries to learn from, and China will also play a role in the future trend of globalization leader.
South Korean economists believe that the "one side of the way" international cooperation summit forum to further expand the "one way along the" framework of cooperation between the number of national and international institutions. China will support the Silk Road Fund to provide emergency assistance to developing countries along the way, showing the image of a responsible big country.
Indonesian real estate and film and television industry leader - MNC Group President Harry believes that the "one way" initiative and the international cooperation forum are major innovations, the countries along the way and the parties to promote economic cooperation has a catalytic role, The business community is further tapping into new investment opportunities in the context of the current weak global economic growth.
Pakistani Federation of Industry and Commerce Vice Chairman Zafar Baktava Valley said that "the way all the way" International Cooperation Forum to create a new world will lead the world by the East, marking the arrival of a new era, the new era is the biggest feature of trade Increasingly, infrastructure cooperation, industry cooperation, financial cooperation and energy cooperation will lead the developing countries to accelerate development.
Ivan, director of the Institute of Policy Research at the Pakistani think tank, said that the introduction and implementation of the "one-on-one" initiative had enabled the broad masses of developing countries to recognize the equal opportunities that could be achieved in the process of globalization. The multilaterality and inclusiveness of the "One Way" initiative are beneficial to the world and are therefore worthy of worldwide support and participation.