> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > What are the advantages of electroplated diamond wheel?
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What are the advantages of electroplated diamond wheel?

Dora Zhang 2020-03-31 18:28:05
Diamond grinding wheels are widely used on profiling machines for granite marble quartz stone and other stone. We offer a wide range & shapes with different sizes to satisfy your exact profiling needs.

Diamond grinding wheel uses diamond abrasives as raw materials, Resin powder, ceramics and electroplated metal are used as a bonding agent, and the circularly fixed abrasive tool with a through hole in the center is called a diamond grinding wheel (alloy grinding wheel). Diamond grinding wheel The hardness of the diamond abrasive determines the main characteristics of the diamond grinding wheel, which can be used for hard Efficient grinding of difficult-to-machine materials such as alloys, glass and ceramics, and the grinding tools have a long service life.

Diamond grinding wheels are widely used on profiling machines for granite marble quartz stone and other stone. We offer a wide range & shapes with different sizes to satisfy your exact profiling needs.

Sintered metal bonding wheels mostly use bronze and other metals as bonding agents, and are used in cutting tools, ceramics, evaporation boats, cemented carbide, steel processing (high-speed steel, quenched steel, gems, building materials, automotive parts industry) It is manufactured by the sintering method. It has high bonding strength, good forming properties, high temperature resistance, good thermal conductivity and abrasion resistance, long service life, and can withstand large loads. Due to the shrinkage and deformation of the grinding wheel during the sintering process, the grinding wheel must be shaped before use, but the dressing of the grinding wheel is difficult.

Diamond grinding wheels are widely used on profiling machines for granite marble quartz stone and other stone. We offer a wide range & shapes with different sizes to satisfy your exact profiling needs.
In recent years, scholars from various countries have successively carried out research work on the application of special methods to dress metal bonded diamond wheels, mainly including electrolytic dressing, electric spark dressing, and composite dressing.

Boreway Electroplated Diamond Wheel Advantages:

The plating process is simple, the investment is small, and the manufacturing is convenient;

No need for trimming, easy to use; 

Single-layer structure determines that it can achieve high working speed

Although there is only a single layer of diamond, it still has sufficient life;

For roller wheels with high accuracy requirements, the only manufacturing method for electroplating.

Boreway Machinery Co., Ltd. can produce diamond tools for almost all applications. We can produce and supply the right diamond tools for your application.
Rely on us to help you make the most of your diamond cutting and grinding of materials,drill,Milling, we also have accessories to provide tools.

As long as you need, please contact us:
Mobile/WhatsApp/Wechat: (+ 86) 18650679939  

E-mail: boreway@boreway.com