> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > What is a brazed diamond saw blade?
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What is a brazed diamond saw blade?

Dora Zhang www.boreway.com 2020-12-12 18:13:40

Brazing is the use of high-temperature melting media to weld the cutter head and the substrate together, such as high-frequency induction brazing saw blades, vacuum brazing saw blades, and so on.

Used for cutting and polishing of glass and granite, basalt, limestone, dolomite, sandstone, marble, microcrystalline stone and other stones, with a grain size between 36-60, Masonry Cutting Saw With Vacuum Brazed protection Strip D100*20mm, sharp enough, fast cutting and polishing speed, no delamination, no chipping, long working time , Performance is safe and stable, Vacuum Brazed Granite Stone Cutting Blade With Protection Segment, the grinding rate is about 3 times that of electroplated products, usually used on electric or pneumatic angle grinders, cutting machines and other tools.

The brazing saw blade can not only cut the stone, but also grind the stone surface.

The diamond brazed saw blade adopts diamond surface metallization technology, and uses active brazing filler metal or nickel-based brazing filler metal to weld diamond, forming elements or alloys through strong carbides, so that the diamond and the tool matrix can achieve metallurgical and chemical bonding, greatly improving the holding power of diamond .

Boreway vacuum brazed diamond fire rescue blade

Characteristics of brazed diamond saw blades

1. Factory direct sales, affordable, low overall cost;

2. Precise shape, good cutting effect, long service life;

3. High cutting efficiency, about 3 times that of electroplated products;

4. Dry grinding is possible without adding water, and the life span of adding water is prolonged;

5. We can process the shape and specifications according to the needs of customers;

6. Brazed diamond saw blade is suitable for cutting ceramics, microcrystalline stone, artificial stone, marble, super sharp.

7. Due to the high cutting edge of the diamond, the large chip holding space, and the high bonding strength between the diamond and the matrix, the diamond is not easy to fall off.

8. The diamond edge can be 2/3 of the height of the diamond, so the grinding efficiency is high, and it is good for scouring the wear debris, and the surface abrasive particles are not easy to lose the grinding ability due to clogging.

9. Our products have been strictly tested before leaving the factory, please rest assured to use them. Our products are exported to Brazil, Egypt, France, India and other countries, and received good response, and enjoy a good reputation in foreign markets.