> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > What is the difference between a saw blade and a hard saw blade?
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What is the difference between a saw blade and a hard saw blade?

Dora Zhang 2022-06-14 12:17:14
Diamond saw blade is a tool for cutting building materials

1. used in the processing of stone, cutting stone, asphalt, concrete, ceramics, ceramic tiles and other materials

2. the cost of diamond saw blade is more expensive than that of cemented carbide, which also depends on the characteristics of its cutting object.

3. there are requirements for the machines used. Large diameter saw blades need relatively large machines to assist in processing

4. the linear speed is limited by the equipment conditions, the quality of the saw blade and the nature of the stone being sawed

5. it can be wet cut and dry cut, with large space for selection, convenience and simplicity

The main reason is that the cutting head plays a cutting role, and the cutting head will be continuously consumed in the process of use. The saw blade head contains high-quality diamond particles and metal powder, which are sintered after hot pressing or cold pressing.

Cemented carbide saw blade is made for cutting and slotting metal materials, and it is also the most commonly used cutting tool for wood products processing. Correct and reasonable selection of cemented carbide saw blade is of great significance for improving product quality, shortening processing cycle and reducing processing cost

1. most of the processing objects are wood products and metal materials, which should not be underestimated in decoration.

2. the saw blade has a wide range of applications, suitable price, relatively economic and high cost performance.

3. cutting materials corresponding to professional saw blades

4. higher hardness than high speed steel

5. high speed cutting can be used for general materials, and low speed cutting and slow down the feed speed are best used for hard materials and tools with large tool diameter

6. the cutting speed depends on the following three aspects: a. the processed material; b. Types and specifications of cutting tools; c. Equipment.

7. do not regrind the tool or change the shape of the tool without authorization, because each grinding process requires professional grinding equipment and professional grinding skills, otherwise it is easy to cause edge fracture and accidents.