> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > Why is the diamond cup wheel wearable and sharp?
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Why is the diamond cup wheel wearable and sharp?

Dora Zhang 2020-05-14 17:31:22

125mm stone cup wheel wholesalerasphalt grinding, ceramic grinding and so on.Vibration-free designs greatly reduce operator fatigue, more productive than conventional abrasives.It is applied on angle grinder and pneumatic power tools.

It uses industry-leading carcass powder, and its wear resistance has been greatly improved. Stone is one of the important materials for indoor and outdoor decoration. It has been widely used in recent years. There are many types of stone processing tools, and hotpressed turbo saw blades, grinding disc, etc., among them grinding disc is very commonly used in the surface edge, chamfering and leveling.

A high-efficiency grinding stone for stone processing, including a circular base and a diamond cutter head, the circular base is an aluminum alloy base, a conical boss is provided on the upper surface of the center of the circular base, and the center of the circular base The lower surface is correspondingly provided with a conical groove, the top surface of the conical boss is the installation end surface, and the center of the installation end surface is provided with an end surface center hole.

A metal disc is assembled in the center hole of the end surface, a mounting hole is provided in the center of the metal disc, and a plurality of heat dissipation holes communicating with the conical groove are evenly arranged on the outer surface of the conical boss.

The lower surface of the circular base is provided with grinding and mounting grooves evenly distributed around the center of the circular base. It has a simple structure, light weight, easy production, low cost, can quickly remove debris, and has good heat dissipation effect.

Stone grinding and polishing tool machines provided by Powerway suppliers:

1. Portable electric angle grinder: A small mechanical device for grinding stone products with electrically driven grinding wheels. This power tool is mainly used for rough grinding and polishing.

2. Grinding disc: a fixture used to install grinding and polishing blocks. The diameter of commonly used grinding disc is 200 500mm, and 3 8 grinding blocks can be installed on it.

3. Shaped chamfering machine: Pneumatic tools that can process ceramic or stone staircases, ground steps, foundation lines, stepped bricks, L-shaped, 45 degrees, arc edges, anti-skid grooves, etc.