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German Abrasives Market Analysis

chois.dong www.boreway.com 2016-01-15 14:41:33

Abrasives known as "industrial teeth" reputation. As we all know, the world's big three powers abrasives, in addition to the United States, France and other countries, as well as industrial and manufacturing powerhouse - Germany. Germany is known for abrasive products of excellent quality, leading technology, fine workmanship, world-renowned. Its rigorous and high quality product performance, Germany Abrasives abrasive products in the international market champion, world famous. Germany mill prices and markets to understand and learn, help us to China abrasives companies in the country to vigorously promote energy conservation, low-carbon environment under the premise, and worked hard, "Strength", the real value-added products to enhance the brand effect, thereby enhancing the overall competitiveness of products and market share, improve competitiveness in international markets.

Geographical location and industrial base in Germany

Germany in the area is classified as a Western European or Central Europe, located in central Europe, it is the largest country in neighboring European countries. Germany relatively poor natural resources, in addition to a wealth of hard coal, lignite and salt reserves, the supply of raw materials and energy is largely dependent on imports, two-thirds of the primary energy to be imported. 2012 German energy consumption ranks No. 6 in the world, mainly dependent on imported energy Liucheng, the German government policies to encourage and promote clean energy and renewable energy sources (eg: wind, solar, nuclear, tidal energy, etc.) instead of fossil fuels ( Oil, coal, natural gas).

German industrial base, mechanical hardware tools and abrasive products selling the international market, many well-known brands (such as: Bosch, the Expo, Germany Maquan, Germany Warriors), excellent quality and durability for those German enterprises to win the market and mill end customers. Germany mill prices are more concentrated in Frankfurt, Bern, Dresden, Hamburg and several other cities, or near markets and other areas of corporate sales.

Germany is the world's largest trading nation, to maintain trade relations with over 230 countries and regions. German products are known for excellent quality, leading technology, exquisite workmanship. Germany's export industry are renowned for their high quality, courteous service, timely delivery and world-renowned. The main export products are automobiles, machinery, chemicals, communications technology, supply and distribution equipment, and medical and chemical equipment. The main trade partners are western industrial nations, of which more than half are sold to EU countries and import and export to other countries (Asia, North and South America, etc.). Germany abrasive products in addition to meet the domestic needs of industry and hardware industry machinery, cars, etc., but also selling the world market, in the international abrasives market leader is always in position. For the world's largest consumer market - China, many German companies have also attached great importance to the abrasive, most of them set up sales companies or representative offices in China, direct sales and market competition. For some industrial sectors and industry-specific special abrasive (such as: medical abrasives, abrasive precision grinding rail, the bearing surface grinding abrasive and high-end musical instruments and furniture polished with sandpaper and emery cloth, etc.), Germany abrasive products both occupy a certain market share in China, and has a very strong market competitiveness, many high-end and high-tech German abrasive products are similar and the same model is currently China abrasive products can not be replaced.

Origin of German industry and the Chinese abrasive grinding industry

Speaking German Abrasives Abrasives develop links with China, it will naturally mention China's second Grinding Wheel (now pigeons Abrasives Co., Ltd.). Early days of New China, China's industrial base is weak, the state would like to accelerate the pace of development, no abrasives No large enterprises, the state decided to start launched abrasives manufacturer. At that time China Abrasives weak technological base and backward, does not have the independence to build large abrasives plant conditions, so "two sand" by the then German Democratic Republic (referred to as East Germany), the former Soviet Union, Romania and other fraternal socialist countries to aid build. Experienced two world wars, East Germans believe Shalun and abrasive plant in the war will become the primary target is destroyed and bombed, according to adhere to standards for the construction of the East German "two sand", foundation and frame structure requirements of the factory firm can withstand earthquakes and destruction of war, the Chinese side also recommended in addition to the required production of various industrial abrasive, it should also have to produce basic raw material required for abrasives - abrasive. Therefore, the "two sand" of the plant, production processes, product quality and standards in accordance with the former East Germany eventually large abrasives manufacturer standard copy from, set smelting and abrasive abrasive production in one, at the time, and the next few decades China's largest enterprise abrasives, as well as Asia's largest enterprise abrasives. Later, "two of sand," as China's abrasives business development and the entire Chinese abrasives industry has made important contributions. China Abrasives from scratch, with the technical experts of the former GDR and other socialist countries Dinglixiangzhu are inseparable.

Germany abrasives industry Brief

German Abrasives Enterprises Association (abbreviation: VDS), the association of European abrasives largest national trade association field. The Association has developed the production of German abrasive industry quality standards and monitoring, surveillance and other industry-standard products and sales by VDS standard products will have environmental waste discharge standards and environmental standards, international abrasives market will have considerable recognition and credibility. As of 2013 the association has 58 full member companies, employees of these companies have at least 10 employees. 7 Special Members abrasive manufacturers of raw materials required for the production and marketing enterprises.

According to the 2012 January to July China's import and export data analysis data Abrasives, German imports from China abrasive products valued at $ 43 million, ranking third in the country of destination. The main six countries, three quarters of 2013, exports of Chinese abrasives, Germany remains China Abrasives products are mainly imported one country.

With China opening up efforts to increase prices in Germany mill will sell the majority of the focus and attention focused on the Chinese market in Asia, the majority of enterprises to set up sales offices or representative offices in China, direct communications with the end customers to understand consumer psychology and market dynamics. Germany mill Chinese enterprises to participate in some of the relevant important exhibitions (eg: China Import and Export Fair in Guangzhou, Shanghai International Hardware Fair in Zhengzhou, China Abrasives grinding exhibitions, etc.), improve product visibility and recognition. 2010 - the 2011 Shanghai International Hardware Fair and 2013 China Zhengzhou Abrasives grinding exhibition, I once saw Augustus Telv Berger Germany and several other German companies exhibiting Chinese agents.

German abrasive characteristics of the product

Germany abrasive products but also has what characteristic? Abrasives Germany attaches great importance to product quality and details. Abrasives Abrasives international market for Germany overall evaluation of the product: excellent quality abrasive products, durable, permeated with personality and character of the German nation: meticulous, rigorous harsh, high quality standards, competitive market. From members of the German Abrasives Association, the German abrasive member companies roughly divided into five types: abrasive, flexible abrasive cutting, Coated Abrasives, stone and construction superhard tools, finishing superhard tool. In addition to abrasives companies in strict accordance with German production technology and production processes and processing and production of product quality, but also pay attention to environmental and safety performance of many products, these are worth grinding Chinese enterprises to learn. For example: resin cutting discs and cymbals positive identification sheet are stated security protection methods, follow the standard (ISO, FEPA, VDS) and product line coding, can effectively reduce the product wounding incident occurred in actual use, If wounding case, effective search and recall the same batch of products, analyze causes of the accident. A German mill prices needle grinding wheel products, which can be achieved without burr grinding wheel, and life is very long (more than one for each wheel can be processed up to one million needles), product quality is very strong, durable. This shows that German companies can, in its product description and presentation, clearly indicate the number of processing, the company is showing the quality of their products fairly confident. Excellence and rigorous work very worthy German mill prices Abrasives Chinese counterparts and learn from.

In addition, most German enterprises not to wear low-end products, focusing on high-end products, international market share. At the same time German companies focus on the development of new abrasive products and new technologies. Most famous German mill prices more gradually evolved from artisanal or small companies grow from, the brand has a long history, high-profile international market, focusing on the abrasives industry as much as a century of history, the customers and the international market quite understand, market sensitivity of strong, well-funded, strong new product development capabilities, such as: Augustus Trysil Berger Co. KG, Atlantic Wheel Company. The creation of abrasive products in addition to traditional industrial products, the German mill prices also based on customer requirements to develop new and more abrasive products for special purposes, such as: Medical grinding, precision grinding roller bearing products. For high precision grinding, honing, precision polishing products, abrasives market share is relatively high in Germany. Since the medical industry is a sophisticated field abrasive march, along with the continuous development of medical cause, artificial joint replacement and polishing and fine processing is the high-end artificial joint direction abrasive material development. Example: Atlantic Wheel Company medical industry - fine-grained silicon carbide abrasive ceramic adhesive can be high-precision machining of artificial joints.

Meanwhile, German products are very focused on low-carbon environment, reduce environmental pollution, improve product quality so as to increase the added value. Since the German natural resource scarcity and abrasive smelting belong to the "three highs" (high energy consumption, high pollution, high water consumption) Enterprise, abrasive smelting consumes a lot of energy and accompanied by dust and other waste emissions, so European and American countries, like Germany , abrasive production of raw materials and primary products, auxiliary materials import more from other developing countries (eg: China, India, etc.). I once had a chance to see the German abrasive smelting enterprises introduced the company only produces several varieties of corundum, high-performance products. The companies use the river to establish a number of small hydroelectric power station, hydroelectric power to smelt several high value-added products, to achieve a low-carbon environmental protection and renewable energy. See pictures taken from the company, the beautiful nearby smelting business environment, industrial waste could barely see.

In addition to the abrasive products, abrasive products manufacturing technology and processing technology in the world, Germany is also relevant in the international advanced level. Our coated abrasives 1980s introduced a number of belt fabrication equipment and expertise from Germany, Switzerland and other countries, so that our coated abrasives production of variety and quality to a new level.

An abrasive is not just a product, from a product manufacturing enterprises will be able to reflect the attitude of doing things, so that producers can see the national spirit and style of doing things. Rigor, excellence, meticulous Germanic peoples personality created a high-quality abrasive products and other industrial products, these are precisely the face of international competition incentives, China Abrasives enterprises need some one of the working and attitudes.