> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > How is the concrete floor polished?
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How is the concrete floor polished?

Dora Zhang 2021-03-12 18:53:58
How is the cement floor polished? The previous cement floor not only gives people a cheap and unclean feeling, but also has some minor problems if it is used for too long, which greatly affects its use value. Then the cement floor must be polished, and the polished cement floor shines.

Construction technology of cement floor polishing:

1. Base surface treatment: (Boreway concrete polishing machines for rent) The loose surface layer and the hollow part will be treated separately.

2. Damage repair: use repair materials to repair.

3. Leveling: Use a floor refurbishment machine to add floor grinding pads (water or dry grinding);

4. Coarse grinding: use 50-200# floor grinding disc (water grinding or dry grinding).

5. Penetration treatment: Hardening treatment with Jinggong concrete sealing curing agent.
6.Fine grinding: use 200-300# floor grinding sheet (water grinding or dry grinding);

7.Fine grinding: use 500-1500# grinding disc, water mill or dry grinding,

8. Washing and drying: Thoroughly clean the ground, and use a water suction machine to dry it.

For the new ground with better light collection, you can directly apply the cement floor polishing wax to the ground evenly, and then use a floor polishing machine and a scouring pad for polishing. The polishing area should not be too large each time to achieve gloss and no scratches. Only when there are traces can the next area be polished until the waxing and polishing treatment of the ground is completed. (4 Inch Metal Bond Grinding Pad For Supplies)The old cement floor with holes and cracks needs to be ground by a ground grinder (Factory Price Redi Lock Concrete Grinding Pads) , waxing and polishing can be carried out after filling the potholes and cracks.

Cement floor polishing is the further treatment of the cement floor on the basis of the ground ground, including physical and chemical methods.

The physical method is mainly to use abrasives with a higher mesh number and better polishing performance, and a machine with a higher speed to directly grind and polish the cement floor to obtain a better gloss and ground effect.

The chemical method uses chemical polishing materials such as concrete sealing curing agent, cement floor crystal hardening agent, and cement floor polishing wax to improve the gloss and decorative effect of the floor.

In the actual construction project, the physical polishing method is generally combined with the chemical polishing method to achieve a good cement floor polishing effect. Of course, different construction methods have different effects and different characteristics, which need to be selected according to the actual situation.

Cement floor polishing price:

The price of cement floor polishing is related to many factors, as well as factors such as the brand of materials used and the level of regional consumption. After all, the consumption level of each region is different, and the price of goods in different years will be different, so everyone still uses the local price as standard.