> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > How to renovate the terrazzo floor?
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How to renovate the terrazzo floor?

Dora Zhang 2021-03-12 18:32:11
Terrazzo floors are still used in some occasions, and some are aging and obsolete, they need to be refurbished, let’s find out today.

How to renovate the terrazzo floor?

1. Repairing and polishing the terrazzo floor is a relatively simple construction method, but it is not easy to really make the repaired and polished terrazzo floor feel completely new. According to the experience in modern conservation building construction practice, the key to the renovation of the terrazzo floor is not to polish, but to make the ground no cracks in the repair, and the repaired crack surface should have no color difference or small color difference with the surrounding ground.

2. Terrazzo floor refurbishment process: Throw the aging surface 1-2mm to expose a new layer and then mirror it, using Boreway floor polishing machines for cleaning and polishing floor. Use different polishing pads from low mesh to high mesh to be polished and polished to achieve the required brightness; crystal powder and Floor grinder and sander machine for grinding stone and concrete in good price , make The surface of the terrazzo is crystallized and hardened to improve the wear resistance of the terrazzo, and then the surface crystal surface is maintained with a crystallization agent.

3. After the thorough grinding, check the grinding effect, and then replace it with a higher-mesh oilstone for finer grinding according to the situation. The repaired cracks should be polished carefully, and the interface must be carefully checked for smoothness, and the grinding must be smoothed before stopping. At the internal angle, the portable small grinder (3 Inch-4 Inch mini pneumatic angle grinder)  must be used for grinding.

4. Key points of terrazzo floor renovation operations: Analyze the cement of the original terrazzo floor, the cement label and the particle size range of the stone; select the same type of cement and the stone with the particle size very close to the original floor; expand the joint according to the natural direction of the crack; The selected cement, stone, and gradation are blended; the blended terrazzo raw materials are caulked. The crevice should be cleaned. After cleaning, apply the concrete interface agent to ensure that the new material is firmly bonded to the original floor.