> 뉴스 > 업계 뉴스 > What are the polishing and curing methods for terrazzo?
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What are the polishing and curing methods for terrazzo?

Dora Zhang 2021-03-12 18:13:34
The terrazzo is as bright as a mirror, (4 inch dry or wet diamond polishing pads) crystal clear, often used on the floors of shopping malls, terrazzo (also called grindstone) is made by mixing gravel, glass, quartz and other aggregates into cement binders to make concrete products. Surface grinding (Single Oval Segments Husqvarna Grinding Shoes), polished products. The terrazzo made of cement binder is called inorganic grindstone, and the terrazzo made of epoxy binder is also called epoxy grindstone or organic grindstone. (S Shape Segment Grinding Pads)According to the construction process, the terrazzo is divided into on-site pouring terrazzo and prefabricated plate terrazzo ground.

Traditional terrazzo has a huge market in China due to its unique advantages such as low cost, arbitrarily color matching, and convenient construction. The terrazzo floor has been used in various urban and rural buildings across the country as much as one billion square meters.

Facing the weathering and abrasion of terrazzo, the most common and convenient method at home and abroad is to wash the dirt on the stone surface and apply a layer of wax.

This method can protect the surface of the new terrazzo to a certain extent and delay the speed of natural weathering and abrasion. Several years later, after the surface of the terrazzo is weathered, the terrazzo can be refurbished by simply grinding the ground at a price of 25/1 and 30/1 of the construction cost.

1. To restore the beautiful beauty of weathered and abraded terrazzo, the key is to re-form a vitreous film on the surface of the terrazzo. The weathered and abraded aging layer on the surface of the terrazzo is shaved to expose the fresh layer, and then a special mechanical method produces an extremely complex effect on the surface of the terrazzo to form a new glassy film, thereby restoring the natural and beautiful decorative effect of the terrazzo. The whole process includes multiple procedures without any chemical reagents.

2. Make the rough and dirty terrazzo become smooth and bright, treat the symptoms and the root cause, and achieve a mirror effect. Refurbishment costs are low. There is no pollution, no dust, no splashing of muddy water or noise in the construction. For example, the construction in shopping malls and hotels can be operated while construction. The traditional ground construction technology can be changed, for example, the ground can be paved with a rough board first or squeezed and then polished. Not only can the cost be reduced, but also the splicing joints in the construction can be eliminated.

3. The reason why cleaning and waxing is not a real stone floor treatment is that there is no real technical key to solving the terrazzo treatment. The reason why terrazzo is as bright as a mirror and crystal clear is mainly because a layer of glassy film is formed on the surface of the terrazzo after mechanical processing. This film not only has a mirror luster, but also can transparently show the internal structure of the stone, which is what people observe. The beautiful pattern of the pattern is here.

Although the price of terrazzo is relatively low, it is more troublesome to change the terrazzo. Therefore, you must maintain the terrazzo and keep it clean to make the terrazzo look cleaner and use it for a longer time.