How to choose a metal abrasive block with a particle size for grinding the ground?
1. Try not to skip the number and use grinding discs
2. 240mm Ring Grinding Wheel For Suppliers
3. It can be processed with fine sanding pads without coarse sanding pads
4.Grits 50# To 3000# Diamond Concrete Floor Grinding Polishing Discs
5. Increasing the counterweight of the grinder or increasing the speed can improve the efficiency
6. Choose diamond grinding disc or concrete thick grinding disc for ground leveling and rough grinding
7.30# Medium Bond Lavina Diamond Grinding Tools With Single Bar 40x10x10mm
8. Dry milling saves more consumables than water milling, but the water milling treatment will make the ground more even and finer
9. After washing and drying the floor, the effect of high-speed dry polishing with a thin abrasive pad is better; the use of a sponge polishing pad can improve the brightness of the floor.
The selection and use of grinding discs are regular to follow:
Generally, we will choose grinding discs according to different construction processes:
Note: The correct selection of grinding discs can improve efficiency and reduce costs
1. Leveling treatment: choose metal grinding disc or 30#-50# resin thick grinding disc;
2. Coarse grinding treatment: choose 50#-150# resin thick grinding disc or thin grinding disc;
3. Fine grinding and fine grinding treatment: choose 150#-500# resin thick grinding disc or thin grinding disc;
4. Polishing treatment: Choose 1500#-3000# thin resin abrasive pad and 3000# or 6000# sponge polishing pad.