What are the benefits of making litchi noodles with granite?
45 pins soap diamond Frank Bush hammer roller
is used to surface fabricating, making Bush hammered effects for stone products, remove coating or texture concrete, effectively to make a non slick profile suitable for both inside and outside environments.They are also used as a design element to create a profile just like Litchi surface.
What's the advantage of making litchi face brick with granite?
1.High Quality Fickert Type Bush Hammer Rollers
to create anti-slip surfaces.
2. No debris, no scratch, no fear of high temperature.
3. The price of granite litchi noodles is not high, the texture is very hard, and the use is more durable.
4. The surface effect of litchi noodles is more friendly than that of fire noodles, with better hand feeling, smooth and three-dimensional.
5. It is not easy to be polluted. After polishing, the surface gloss is very high, and the impurities brought by various weather can hardly adhere.
6. Star Type Bush Hammer Tools litchi face granite is hard, and its surface particles are coarse. It is suitable to be used in some places where the flow of people is relatively large and the friction is relatively large.
7. Litchi granite is beautiful, durable, very hard and very practical. It can be made into a variety of surface polishing, sub polishing, fine grinding, fire burning, water knife treatment and sand spraying.
Granite litchi face is an important variety of granite, one of its uses is to make wall tiles. It can be used as antique face, fire face, smooth face and so on. Today we know one of the litchi face effects. I'll learn other effects next time